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Hot keywords: Piperazine Anhydrous 、 N-Methylpiperazine 、 N-Ethylpiperazine 、 N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)piperazine 、 Triethylene Diamine
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Announcement on the draft of the "N-hydroxyethyl piperazine for electronic Industry" "Made in Zhejiang" standard
Time: 2022-07-04

All relevant units and individuals:

According to the relevant requirements of the Notice on the formulation plan of the second batch of "Product logo" group standard (" Made in Zhejiang "standard class) in 2021 (Zhejiang Pinlian [2021] No. 6), the" N-hydroxyethyl piperazine for electronic Industry "drafted by Shaoxing Xingxin New Materials Co., LTD., is now solicited public opinions. The soliciting period is from June 15th to July 15th. Please send feedback of the Soliciting Form to research001@xingxinchem.com within the time limit. If you are overdue, you will be deemed to have no comments.

Contact us

Trista Luo (Export Manager) +86-575-82728137 13858441040
Email: sales@xingxinchem.com

Gabriel Wang  +86-575-82728137 18067661926 


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